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Soy Milk Lovers And Vegans Explode Over Cafes’ Refusal To Serve “Highly-Processed” Soy Milk

New challenges for cafes’

How to explain and handle this situation.

Soy milk awareness

Get to know the benefits and side effects

What to do?

What should the owners do? Learn here


Everyone has got their own reasons and so does an Australian cafe owner, but this time a wrong one.  Famous at St Leonards in Northern Sydney, the Rough & Bare cafe fueled one of their vegan customers’ excitement when she read the restaurant’s menu. The establishment’s menu has a full-fledged page stating their reasons for not using Soy Milk and its side effects.

Source: Facebook

A vegan customer took a picture of the description inside the menu describing the reasons why the restaurant management prevents the usage of soy milk in drinks.

The owners have provided a full list of reasons on why not to use soy milk.

“it contains phytates which bind to minerals like zinc, calcium, iron, and magnesium making them unavailable to you”, claimed one of the statements in the page.

“Isoflavones in soy is plant-based estrogen and this mimics the body’s actual estrogen levels.”

“Soy is a very highly processed product.”

The cafe owners trying being responsible provided a few alternatives for the soy milk lovers stating the cafe’ “offers alternatives (which we think are better)!” such as coconut or almond milk claiming it to be free from any preservatives or additives.

The topic got viral when the facebook poster was posted on a Sydney Vegan Facebook page with the caption: “Interesting! At a cafe for breakfast and they don’t serve Soy… yet they serve Bacon and Bone Broth etc. *extreme eye roll*”

Upon checking the nourishing food specialists Rough & Bare’s menu, we found out that they sell “nitrate free pastured bacon” in its brekky sandwich and “probiotic pesto oil” in another recipe- as per their online menu.

The online post on the Sydney Vegans page was  quickly gaining comments and shares with some of the following comments:

“Lol bacon is a carcinogen but no… let’s blame soybeans,” wrote one herbivore.

“Ugh f**k right off and f**k off some more,” added another one, “Anyone who consumes flesh and drinks pus can’t tell me what’s bad for me.”

“So then they should not sell any grains!” another user. “All family of grains contains phytates, even some veggies. Anyway, all that bull is pseudoscience. If they really care about health they would not have bacon in the first place!”

The Sydney based cafe has not responded on their social channels yet but their philosophy on their website states

“At Rough & Bare, we don’t believe in labels, but rather bio-individuality. Which means, there is no one diet for everyone. Each person is unique and the same goes for your nutritional requirements.”

This means that the owners believe the diets like paleo, primal, low carb high fat, raw food, vegetarian, vegan and keto are mere labels.

Our philosophy is linked with science and we are continuously growing and evolving our menu based on new knowledge we attain from our advisers.”

Now continuing to the main agenda of the topic.


Is Soy Milk Really Bad For You?

1 in 6 Australians are choosing dairy-free- according to Animals Australia. A report suggested by Roy Morgan states that more than 1.1 million Australians drink soy milk once in a week. While the topic of consuming soy milk is debatable, there is a rise in sales of coconut and almond milk.

According to WebMD, soy is usually very healthy for us and is also used as a substitute in many infant foods but using soy milk as an alternative can be no more beneficial or in some cases harmful as well. ” However, soymilk that is not designed for infants should not be used as a substitute for infant formula. Regular soymilk could lead to nutrient deficiencies.” – according to their website.

Here are some advantages of Soy Milk:

  1. Good source of protein, while still supplying a fair amount of calcium.
  2. It is lactose-free. Fully lactose-free and not only some percent like many lactose-free shelf milk in the market.
  3. Low sodium; good for those with high blood pressure.
  4.  Helps in preventing osteoporosis

Now the disadvantages of Soy Milk

  1. Taste wise- different taste for different brands.
  2. Less calcium than needed.
  3. Sometimes thickened with a derivative of seaweed that can cause digestive problems.
  4. Thyroid disorders, reproductive system problems.

This does not mean that soy-rich foods are unhealthy, but the fact is that they are actually good for you and should be consumed moderately.


What cafe owners can do?

  1. Use Silk Soy Milk – it is better than usual soy milk
  2. Try Almond milk or coconut milk
  3. Do not advertise why you are not serving soy as it can hurt someones’ feelings
  4.  Do not lose your customer base but instead teach. Soy milk consumed once will not kill you and moderate drinking is still ok.

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shivam sagar

Shiv has been working at Brandviser Melbourne as a lead web solution and marketing consultant.


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